
A terrarium is the gift that keeps on giving! To the environment, that is.

Did you know that terrariums were first discovered in England in the 1800s by accident? A man named Nathaniel Ward liked to watch insects and left a sealed jar unattended for a long period of time. What he found was that when sealed a glass container with greenery produces its own ecosystem and can thrive on its own!

It’s quite easy to make your own terrarium and, if sealed properly, requires little to no maintenance. If in an open-air container, you will need to water it periodically. I have listed some things you’ll need to make your terrarium unique. Combining them in packages within a jar makes a pretty present and will be remembered for a long time!

What you’ll need (Get creative as these are just my suggestions!):

  • Large Ball jar (or other glass container of your choice)
  • Medium-large river rocks
  • Charcoal slivers or small pieces
  • Sand
  • Course glitter (totally optional!)
  • Small rocks (like in the bottom of a fish bowl)
  • Soil
  • Succulent or other small plant (be sure to water according to the plant you choose)
  • More small rocks
  • Decorative rocks and figurines

11474cIf you are giving this as a gift, it is nice to make a tag with these easy instructions on it:

  1. Place in indirect sunlight.
  2. If kept sealed, little to no water is needed.
  3. If open, mist a few times with water every 1–2 weeks or as needed..

Now, in the order listed above, build your terrarium or contain each portion individually in your chosen jar. Tie with a gift tag and present!