
We’re so glad you’re here.

What does a woman of virtue look like?

Is she a one-size-fits-all picture of femininity, photo-shopped to perfection? Not on your life. Take a walk through the pages of the Bible and you will find women from every walk of life and experience. Some were naturally outspoken, others more docile by nature. There were beauties and plain-Janes. Many were shaped by suffering and tragedy. Others were social misfits and mess-ups, overlooked, lonely, desperate. But they were all loved and unforgotten by God. And love is what transformed them into life givers, kingdom builders, women of immeasurable influence to the glory of God.

We’re glad you’re here!

Together, let’s learn to embrace God’s design for life with grace and excellence.

Embracing God’s design for life with grace & excellence



In the summer of 1981, Cathe and a handful of Jesus-loving girls in their twenties started praying together. For a few hours each week, they filled the living room with prayers for their young families and growing church.

What happens when women pray? God lights a fire and expands their vision. The idea for a monthly prayer brunch began to take shape. Women came with a potluck dish, but friendship and prayer is what they were hungry for. Looking back, the concept of getting a few hundred girls together every month to pray was an adventurous leap of faith! The Lord blessed and kept adding to our numbers.

We believe that faith grows best when God’s Word is the curriculum and God’s Spirit is the Teacher. Women’s Bible Fellowship launched in September, 1983 and we added an inductive study in 1994. God was growing us, individually and together. He was shaping an assortment of widely divergent gifts and personalities into an alliance of women heaven-bent on loving Him well.

By 2008, with twenty-five years of growth behind us and a new generation of Jesus-loving girls, the Lord expanded our vision again. What if, together, we leveraged our experience and commitment to living out God’s Word? We imagined what God could do when women of every age and season of life join forces and invest themselves in knowing God and making Him known. Virtue for Women officially launched in 2009 with a monthly blog. Our extensive legacy of Bible study resources and teaching became freely available online.

In the summer of 2017, Cathe and an army of Jesus-loving girls of all ages gathered on a Saturday to pray. For a few hours that morning, the sanctuary where they met was filled with fervent prayer. God-glorifying, burden-lifting, Spirit-led, interceding prayer. We are in awe for all God has done with this fellowship of women. At thirty-five, Virtue is flourishing and our eye is on the future.

Our vision to inspire and equip women remains deeply rooted in the biblical model of living out the gospel, life on life, and so may it ever be. Lord light the fire!

Timeline Timeline

Our Mission

In a culture where image is everything, we need a perspective that is shaped by the Word of God. Virtue Women exists to encourage women of all ages and stages of life to discover their value in the love of our Heavenly Father who created us to be unique and uniquely His.

Our Beliefs

Click to read Harvest Christian Fellowship's Statement of Faith
Meet Cathe
Cathe Laurie
Cathe Laurie
Founder | Executive Director of Virtue


Born in Long Beach, Cathe was raised in the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia until she was in high school. Returning to California at age 14, she accepted Christ during the Jesus Movement in 1970.

Cathe is the founder and director of Virtue, the women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship. She is a Bible teacher and featured speaker on The Virtue Podcast with Cathe Laurie. Through the pages of her book, As I See It, and her devotional blog read nationwide, Cathe brings a distinctly feminine perspective to show how Scripture speaks to all the basic issues of life. Cathe also serves as prayer chairman for Harvest America, and FERVENT Virtue Women’s prayer ministry.

Cathe and Greg celebrated 49 years of marriage in February (2023). They have two sons, Christopher—who went to be with the Lord in 2008—and Jonathan; two daughters-in-law, Brittany and Brittni; and five grandchildren, Stella, Lucy, Rylie, Alexandra, and Christopher. Cathe enjoys running and cycling and has lots of fun cooking in the kitchen with her grandchildren.

Cathe Laurie
Founder | Executive Director
Tiffany Velasquez
Virtue Director
Leah Case
Virtue Editor | Content Manager
Courtenay Dall
Virtue Office | Ministry Administrator
Brittni Laurie
Virtue Office | Ministry Assistant
Cathe Laurie
Virtue Teachers
Christie Robillard
Virtue Teachers
Leah Case
Melanie Brown
Shelley Hurley
Sue Mills
Tiffany Velasquez
Trish Dietz
Wendy MacGinnis
Zenovia Bernier