Have you ever rushed into a situation without any forethought? Or hurried through encounters with people, only to forget later because you were so busy? I can so easily do this. But is the goal of our day merely to check each box on our to-do list? Of course not!

So, when it comes to the most important moments of our day, such as time spent in God’s Word, or encounters with family, team members, and friends­, am I mindful—or mindless—of what I’m saying, thinking, or how I’m listening? If we’re being honest, we all need to get better at this.

We hear a lot about mindfulness these days. While much that occupies our day seemingly takes no thought, mindfulness is really the ideal and wonderful way to move in life. Greg often reminds me to “be here, now.” That takes more than just putting down the devices—it requires paying attention. Being intentionally present. Focused on people, taking in the moment to listen and think about what we are seeing and doing.

When we rush mindlessly through the moments and days, we may feel like we’re thinking and behaving clearly, but we’re not as “on top of things” as we assume. We’re prone to jump to conclusions. We fail to learn valuable lessons about ourselves and others. We miss the beauty of enjoying God’s presence.

So, I want to share five things I like to pray to begin my day.


Open my eyes, Lord.

I may think that I see, but too often I don’t settle my thoughts and really focus on these moments of connection with You. Keep my mind stayed on what You want me to see. How often I skim over Your Word thinking I’ve already gleaned all there is. Oh, how blind I am! How clouded my thoughts. “Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in Your Law” (Psalm 119:18).


Teach me who You are.

I often think I understand God, that I know Him well. I could impress you by rattling off a list of His eternal attributes, His character. I assume that I understand what He would do or say. But am I informed by all of Scripture or just the parts and promises that I find comforting and helpful? Lord teach me who You are, and not who I presume You to be. “Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear Your name” (Psalm 86:11).


Change me, Lord!

Every day is an opportunity to grow and learn—not just for the sake of gaining knowledge, but for being who God created me to be. My complacency, self-satisfaction, and pride keep me from humbly grasping how sinful I am. Lord cleanse me from “respectable” sins of pride, judgmentalism, hypocrisy. Mold me, change me, transform me to be more like Christ. “Make them holy by Your truth; teach them Your Word which is truth” (John 17:17).


Guide me and give me wisdom.

As I read God’s Word, it’s not just to gain knowledge. It’s so that I may discover Your ways and walk in them. My heart can be swayed by circumstances and emotions. I need to know You God. I need wisdom for decisions big and small. I am Your child. I can’t depend on my own limited understanding. Grant me humility to seek You first in every decision. I’m like a wayward sheep…I need my Shepherd to guide and lead me. “Oh Lord my God…I am like a little child who doesn’t know my way around” (1 Kings 3:7).


Teach me to be grateful.

All that I am and all that I have is in Christ. His promises, His covenant love, His endless mercy and grace is mine without price. His gift to me. He Himself is the greatest gift of all! He promises never to leave or forsake me. How great is our God! In all the universe there is NONE like Him. May His praise be in my heart and on my lips daily! “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1).