“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs with no fear of the future.”—Proverbs 31:25


Is it safe to assume we’ve all seen this verse? It’s on T-shirts and stickers and captions and it is lovely. It’s a part of Scripture which I hold in such high regard about the virtuous woman and what she looks like. And oh, how I think we as women can get caught up in measuring ourselves against such an example of womanhood. As this verse ran through my mind, I broke it down into phrases and heard, “She laughs with no fear . . .” No fear. Why do I feel like that’s not me? And then, an unwelcome realization: I tend to live my life on the side of caution more times than not.

I wish I could proclaim this Proverbs verse with confidence, but it feels as if I can’t get past the fear. This is not, in any way, an attack on all the wonderfully beautiful women who write this verse as a banner over their days or their life.

How deeply I desire to live a life rid of all fear.

This morning I opened my Bible to the pages of Isaiah 40–41. Verses that I have underlined and highlighted in blue jump out at me. A note in the margin: “Conquer fear!” Ah, yes, I’ve been here before, needing these words to breathe life into my heart.

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you.” —Isaiah 41:10

I rest on those words for a moment. I’ve been told that when you see “I am” or “I will” statements in the Bible, it is the Lord making a promise. He addresses my fear and His promise takes me back to: “She is clothed with strength and dignity. . . .”

I will rise above the fear that tries to cripple me by coming close to God as He reveals Himself to me in new ways. He fills me with joy—and the joy of the Lord is my strength. And just like the verse in Isaiah promises, my strength is renewed! I am closer and closer to reaching the end goal, where I can boldly proclaim with confidence, “She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs with no fear of the future.”

What form of fear are you contending with today? It may be an unexpected health scare, or losing your job. You may be fearful about moving to a new city, or all that’s going on in the world. Perhaps a relationship is ending and you’re not sure what to do now. Rest assured, God’s promises have no expiration date. He gives freely. Draw close to Him today and see that even fear has to tremble in the presence of our all-powerful God, Creator of heaven and earth.