As children of God, one of the riches we have in Christ is God’s election of us. Ephesians 1:4 tells us, “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him.” When I consider that we were chosen, I have to wonder, why did He choose me? Why does He choose anyone?

When you go to the grocery store and pick out fruit, do you choose the bruised and rotting pieces? Recognizing my sinful nature, it’s hard to imagine why God would choose me. The problem here is that I’m assuming that God chooses based on merit or good qualities. He doesn’t!

When we consider the reasons for our election, it’s important to focus not on ourselves, but on Him. Romans 11:5–6 tells us we are “chosen by grace. But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.” He chose us because He wanted to! We’re told it was “His good pleasure” (see Luke 12:32, Philippians 2:13).

He chose us to be saved, and that would be enough, but beyond that, He also chose us to be heirs along with Christ. He wants to give us all the riches of the kingdom!

Have you ever found some money or some kind of treasure somewhere and you didn’t know who it belonged to? Growing up, my brother was really good at finding money on the ground. Not just pennies, he would find bills just lying there that others somehow missed. If it was a large amount, he knew he couldn’t really count it as his own; he had to wait to see if someone else would claim it. So for a time it could not be spent. It’s different though when you know that something was meant for you. If someone hands you a gift with your name on it, you are, of course, free to enjoy it, and the giver hopes that you do.

Each month this year we’ll be looking into another of the riches we have in Christ. Every one of them is a gift with your name it, if you are a Christian. You were chosen to receive each and every one, so fully accept them, knowing that God doesn’t give them based on your merit or worthiness. Remember that it’s His good pleasure to give them to you.

If you’re wondering whether or not the riches of Christ were meant for you—if you’re not sure if you were chosen—you can settle that right now! Visit KnowGod.org and find out how to begin your relationship with God!