Have you ever climbed onto a plane that seemed much too small to deliver you safely to your destination? I am 5’1″ on a good day and when I hit my head on the overhead bin, that’s my definition of too small. Without room for the usual First-Class sprawl, the cockpit was a short stone’s throw away—not that I would ever throw a stone. The instrument panel looked far too small.

“Lord,” I whispered, “I’d feel safer in a bigger plane.”

And then truth rolled through my thoughts. You’d feel safer in something BIG? Then why do you rely on lesser things when you are eternally safe in a transcendent, majestic God through the cross of Christ?

Why do I rely on lesser things, like paychecks, to purchase a false sense of security? Why do I rely on lesser things, like physical comforts, to make me feel safe? And so went my thoughts as the plane lifted off to 28,000 feet, loosening the earthbound jetways that my heart and mind travels daily.

As steadily as the plane rose, so too, my vision. Imagine my surprise at the breathtaking view of clouds that made me forget overhead bins and claustrophobic aisles.

Praise the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty. The Lord wraps Himself with light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens like a tent…He makes the clouds His chariot; He rides on the wings of the wind. Psalm 104:1-3

My thoughts lifted to the rock-solid reality of my safety and comfort in Christ, regardless of what the day would bring. Safety in Him. Redemption. What grace!

Who is this One in whom I am eternally safe? He is the God who is not just good, He is very great! He is clothed with splendor and majesty, and yet descended to mercifully clothe me in robes of righteousness through Christ Jesus, His Son. He is wrapped in light and He has shone the light of the gospel into my heart through Jesus. He makes the clouds His chariot—and He comforts me now by declaring that those clouds will be the Church’s chariot when we are caught up to meet the Son when He returns (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

I confess I finished that flight different than when I began.

I felt infinitely small and safely held, as I experienced Christ, rightfully big and glorious. “Thank You Lord,” I said out loud. Someday I will meet the One who fashioned those spectacular clouds at 28,000 feet. For now, I’m learning to rest secure in the truth of my eternal safety in Christ. He truly is greater than any and all of my fears!