diy heart red felt pincushions

Thanksgiving, Christmas, a new year, and now it’s already February! Can someone please tell me where 2014 went?

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and though I am struggling with that, I couldn’t be happier! I love everything about this holiday. The colors, the chocolate, the flowers, the cards, the hugs, the kisses, the presents, and most importantly, the love!

Valentines Pin Cushion instructions

Being that I love Valentine’s Day so much, I thought I would share these Valentine’s-Day-inspired pincushions. Can I get a Yippee, Yahoo?

Supplies Needed: fabric (I used felt, but cotton, flannel, denim, etc. would work great for this project) scissors, stuffing, sewing machine (you could also hand sew), embroidery floss, embroidery or wide-eyed needle, circle template (any size will work), and embellishments of choice for the center of your pincushion.

So hurry up and go grab yourself some fabric and then cut yourself some circles. I used a cereal bowl turned upside down as a template for my circles. The size of the circle you draw will determine the size of your pincushion. You can make them as big or as little as your sweet little heart desires. The instructions apply to any size.

You are first going to place the right sides of your two circles together and stitch around your circle by hand or machine, leaving a 2-inch opening for turning your right sides out and for stuffing.

Turn it right sides out and then stuff, stuff, and stuff some more. You can use a chopstick or dowel to help you push your stuffing in. Then hand stitch your opening closed.

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Now get your wide-eyed embroidery needle, or the largest eye needle you have on hand, and thread it with five strands of embroidery floss. I used about 1 to 1.5 yards of floss per cushion. Tie a knot at the end and find your center (just eyeball it or, if you must, you can measure it out). Push your needle all the way through until you reach your knot. Your knot will go all the way through the side that you entered but you don’t want it coming back out. You will be leaving the knotted end inside the center of your cushion. If you happen to pull your knot all the way through, just start again and be sure to let your knot disappear into your cushion.

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Then take your thread and wrap it around to the other side and push your needle through again in the center. Pull all of your embroidery floss through. Once you have pulled your needle through the first wraparound, you can then pull on it tightly. Your embroidery floss is now secure and you won’t pull it out. Do this again opposite your last line, making a cross on your pincushion.

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Do that again and again, always going through your center and pulling the thread taut.

It will look funky at first, but have no fear and keep going. You will fluff and puff it into shape  at the end!

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I went around my cushion a total of 8 times. When you get to the last time around, tie a knot with your embroidery floss a few times and then embellish! Oh yes, don’t forget to fluff and shape your cushion.

You can add hearts like I did (by hot-gluing in place) or you could add buttons, rhinestone pendants, or whatever you fancy!

The most important thing is to have fun and get creative!!

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felt, heart, red,pincushion

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Just as fast as this new year came, spring is on its way!

Following the same instructions, you can create pincushions for just about any season, holiday, or special event. The possibilities are truly endless!