Our house is not deep in the woods, nor is it covered in ivy like the old Victorian home we once lived in. But on foggy mornings, when the yard is wet with dew and the sun is barely shining, you might come across the beauty of a spider’s jeweled web.

I’m no advocate for handling spiders, even though our grandson assures me that orb weavers are perfectly harmless. Christopher is quite fearless when it comes to catching spiders. He even had a jumping spider (with three sets of babies) for a pet!

No handling for me, thank you very much—but I must admit, there’s something magnificent in the artistry of a spider’s web.

One of these beauties built her spectacular web above our swinging chair on the front porch. I spied it (eek!) while watering my pots of fall flowers. Rather than go inside for a broom, I aimed the water nozzle at the web, pulled back on the trigger, and sprayed away!

But the web held firm.

I needed more water pressure. So I turned the water faucet on all the way. Still nothing.

Closer. I just needed to get closer.

Inching forward as close as I dared, I squeezed the nozzle open full force! Take that you little orb weaver! This definitely got me wetter—but still the web held firm!

It was delicate, beautiful . . . much stronger than it appeared. Then I had this thought. I need faith like this spider’s web—a faith that withstands pressure far and near. 

I wondered what else this little spider might teach me, so I did a little digging for myself on the subject. I learned that most web builders are females. Their amazing spider silk has a particular quality of softening and then being stiff depending on the circumstance. A light breeze, for example, softens the web allowing it to lengthen but still retain its structure.

If a stronger force like wind (or water from a hose) comes against it, the silk becomes rigid and breaks. But even if a small portion of the web is broken, it can actually make the remaining web stronger. No wonder that water pressure wasn’t sufficient to take her web completely down!

I have a few friends with faith like this. They bend and bow with hard times, but they do not break. They withstand the pounding rain and winds of trial, only to gain even greater wisdom and steadfastness.

How is your faith in the storms of life?

As a believer, our faith is not in our own strength or resiliency. Biblical faith is only as strong as the object of our faith. We are strong only because the Lord Almighty—in whom our faith is settled—is even stronger.

While I’m still not ready to invite spiders to build webs on my porch, I do admire their tenacity to build a strong home. That’s what I want too . . . a strong home where the Lord will dwell. I want faith as resilient and strong a spider’s web.


Lord, thank You for teaching us valuable lessons simply by observing Your small creatures. Help us grow faith in You, strong as the spider builds her web. Beautiful and strong. Flexible, yet immovable. In Jesus’ Name, amen.     

Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with His mighty strength! – Ephesians 6:10 (CJB)