A question for you.

Do you often find yourself too busy?

What a silly question—of course!


Being too busy is just part of normal life for us. We’re constantly on the go! Off to work…to run errands…to school drop-off / pick-up…to our kids’ sports practice + games…to our Bible study small group…to lunch with friends.  Then there are the birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, hosting out-of-town guests and family get-togethers.

Not to mention (oh yes, I am!) how busy we are keeping up with text messages, phone calls and social media. So much is clamoring for, even demanding our time and energy that we “simply” have to address it…am I right?

Here is what I know.

Not a day goes by that I do not absolutely need personal time with my Heavenly Father. Not one day or one moment passes by that He is too busy for me. We know that without consistent time together, relationships suffer. Without conversation, communication breaks down. But (truth be told) when we get “too busy” the first thing to go is personal time in prayer.

Sometimes we forget that God doesn’t approach “quiet time” with us the way we tend to approach it with Him. Tomorrow I’ll get up a little earlier so we can have coffee and talk. It’ll be so good! But Lord, I only have 20 minutes, so let’s make it really count, ok?

Prayer is Essential

Our Father knows what we need on any given day. He is ready, willing and able to come alongside us, to guide, provide, and protect us. He will help us navigate life, one day at a time. But that intimate relationship with Him will only come through investing time in His Word and prayer.

Some days may be busier and harder to find the time, but here is what I know. Prayer is essential. As we pray, we’re engaging in intimate fellowship with our Creator who has drawn us close through the person and finished work of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Simply talking to Him, that’s what prayer is. Praising Him. Confessing our sins directly to Him and receiving His forgiveness. Thanking Him for being present and active in our life. Asking for wisdom and help in whatever troubles we are facing. Listening and letting His Word speak to us in the moment. Responding. When we don’t pray, it prolongs the problems we may be experiencing.

  • Friends, as we do these things our intimacy with Him grows.
  • As our intimacy grows, our perspective changes.
  • As our perspective changes, we are becoming the godly woman He is shaping us to be.

Are we really too busy to devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful as Colossians 4:2 says? I urge you to reconsider.

God commands us to pray!

Here is what I know.

Prayer lifts our focus upward and gives glory to God.

Prayer strengthens us for battle.

Prayer allows us to receive forgiveness.

Prayer permits us to intercede for others.

Prayer activates God’s power in me.

As women called and equipped to be a light in our families, our community, and our world, I urge you to pray! Let’s seek the Lord every day and pray with humility, faith, authenticity, and persistence.

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Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:15-17