
I heard Greg say recently in a sermon, “I am from a dysfunctional family and I am the head of a dysfunctional family!”

Can I ask, who out there isn’t? I’d sure like to meet you!

Reading Genesis this morning, I’m struck by the fact that the flood didn’t cure the sinful bend in humanity. Noah, the preacher of righteousness, was found drunk and family relationships began to break down. Simply put, the problem of sin is so deeply rooted in the human heart.

But we need not despair. Even in the early chapters of the Bible, we see a thread of a remnant that pleases God.

Remember Abel, whose sacrifice pleased the Lord? And, of course, there was Enoch who walked with God. And we can’t forget the 7,000 who hadn’t “bowed their knee to Baal” and stood with Elijah.

There is a message in this for all of us. It is possible to live and love and work on this earth, while still keeping a faithful allegiance to heaven.

So who among us deserves to be a part of that chosen remnant? Certainly not me! Thank God, this remnant is chosen and preserved by grace, as Paul writes: “So too at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace” (Romans 11:5-6).

It isn’t my best efforts that qualify me, it is His! I have nothing but gratitude and joy for such a wonderful Savior who is able to keep me headed in a different direction than the crowd!