
“He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” —Hebrews 11:6

I looked up the word diligent and found some synonyms that really help me understand what the Scripture means when it says that He rewards the diligent: unrelenting, enthusiastic, preserving, attentive, eager, studious, earnest, persistent, industrious, Eager Beaver.

Do those words describe me? How about the opposite of diligence? Weary, indifferent, negligent, lethargic, unenthusiastic, careless, idle, disinterested, lazy, inattentive, neglectful.

As I looked at those two categories of words, I was both encouraged and convicted. Encouraged because diligent doesn’t mean perfect, but persevering! Encouraged because He delights in even my feeblest attempts to seek Him. I don’t often have hours of uninterrupted time to sit with Him, but I pray when I’m in the shower, I listen to the audio Bible in the car, I read my devotional when I’m sitting on my throne in the bathroom. He sees all that, and He delights in my heart wanting to seek Him.

I was convicted though, because often I am neglectful. I can be lazy and lethargic when it comes to seeking Him. I can be distracted and enticed by time-wasters. I can settle for a quick sound bite without giving Him my undivided devotion and attention. I mean, I have good reasons: I’m so busy, I have four kids and a grandbaby, I have 30 ladies in my group . . .

Yet the Lord gently pointed out that though I’m busy, I seem to have the time to check in on Facebook, and I check my Instagram at least five times a day. I can’t wait for those pictures of the people I love to pop up. I heard Him asking me, “You don’t have time to diligently seek Me?”

What if you were to go to the throne before you go to the throne? (That was something my pastor’s wife used to say as I was growing up in church.) And with the new technology and enticing distractions, the Lord added to that for me:

  • Go to the throne before you go to the phone.
  • Let us hear from Him before texting begins.
  • Sit at His feet before you tweet.
  • Go to the Book before Facebook.
  • Read the Word before you play a word.
  • Be filled with the Holy Ghost before you post.
  • Take His hand before you Instagram.

And all of that would add up to diligently seeking Him! He was just showing me I actually do have time in my day to be a diligent seeker; the choice is mine.

What are the rewards of diligently seeking Him? I asked this question in my small group and they gave such wonderful answers: deliverance from my fears, wisdom, peace, joy, knowing Him, a word of encouragement for someone else.

Do I have these rewards? Am I living in the blessings He has for me? Am I peaceful? Am I joyful? Am I wise? Am I full of hope? Am I becoming more like Him every day? Do I know Him as my dearest Friend, Confidant, Counselor—as my Abba Father, Daddy?

As I diligently seek Him, as I persevere and press into Him, all these rewards and countless more become mine.