Succulents have become a favorite centerpiece and it’s easy to see why. With such a large variety of colors, shapes and sizes to choose from, creating a low maintenance arrangement is so simple.



Items you will need:

Container (choose one with drainage or add rocks on the bottom)

Succulents in a variety of colors and shapes

Cactus potting mix

Decorative gravel or smooth stones (optional)




  • Start with a base layer of rocks if your container has no drainage holes. Add potting mix.
  • Remove succulents from their nursery pot; loosen the soil around the base of the plant, keeping roots intact as much as possible.

  • Start with the largest or most colorful plant in the middle; surround it with smaller plants using a mix of colors and shapes. Succulents aren’t fussy about being planted close together. Play with the arrangement until you’re happy with how it looks.


  • Gently pack potting soil around each plant, filling in gaps. If you like, finish with a decorative layer of gravel or stones.