I woke up late last night, at 2:30 A.M. Soon the lists of things to do came marching through my mind like guests that arrived too early for a party!

I tried to shoo them out, “Go away until a proper time, when I can do something with you!” And they scampered out, only to linger just outside my conscious thoughts…knocking!

When nighttime is interrupted by unwelcome thoughts, concerns, and to-do lists, what can you do? The more you try to push them out, the more aware of them you are!

Here is what I do…and did last night:

1. Take them, one by one, by the hand to the Lord in prayer. He is able to give grace and wisdom sufficient for each situation. Better yet, forget your needs for a moment, and remember all those who are lonely, in pain, suffering, and lost and pray for God to show them mercy.

2. Reflect on the character of God. I focus my sleepless times on praising Him for who He is. Take each letter (A to Z) and name each letter with the qualities of his nature (A – almighty, B – beautiful, C – compassionate…).

3. Again, I will take A to Z and remember what he has done for me. Ephesians is rich with examples. (A – adopted me, B – blessed me with every spiritual blessing in Christ, C – chose me before the foundation of the world…)

4. Meditate on the great “I Am” statements of Christ.

The Bread of Life

The Light of the World

The Door

The Good Shepherd

The Resurrection and the Life

The Way, Truth, and Life

The True Vine

Many times, I can fall sweetly asleep with thoughts that comfort and edify. And then again—like last night—I went through all my lists and didn’t get back to sleep for hours. But so what? At the very least, it was time not wasted!