“You are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed…”
—Luke 10:41–42 NKJV

Practical Strategies for a Simpler Christmas

  • Remember that time spent with loved ones is more valuable than the need for the “perfect” setting. (Jesus’ birth did not depend on fancy decorations, cleanliness of the house, or gourmet goodies).
  • Don’t cram in too many organized activities. (Setting aside time to relax and unwind will help you cope with those busy times).
  • Don’t overdo it on crafts and baking during the Christmas season. (It’s okay to be creative and to use your skills, but too much will put you in a stressful position and keeps you from enjoying the season.)
  • Leave the home remodeling or refurbishing projects for next year. (The potential rewards of a new look aren’t worth the time crunch, decision-making, expenses, or stress at an already busy time of the year.)
  • Focus on making simpler meals and prepare enough for leftovers. (When time is at a premium, having leftovers on hand makes meal preparation easier.)
  • Try shortening your Christmas card list by only sending cards to the people you do not see regularly. (Another idea would be to send cards to half your list this year and to the other half next year).

And Last but Not Least…

  • Begin each day in prayer, offering the day back to the One who gave us the greatest gift. (Having and keeping the right perspective of whose day it is can alter our attitudes and conduct).

We don’t have to let the busyness of the season rule our hearts. We can be less like Martha and more like Mary, who relaxed in the Lord’s presence. Ultimately, only one thing is essential to our Christmas celebration: Jesus!