
This craft uses a simple technique that you can apply to many things. It is even easy enough for the kids to help out with. We have them hanging on our walls at home. They also make very unique gifts for any occasion.


  1. Take profile shots, in front of a blank wall for best results.
  2. Enlarge the photo to your liking, and then print in color.
  3. Trace the profile with a pen and cut it out. This is definitely the hardest part. I have to shut out distractions and concentrate. Some people use X-Acto blades, but I am afraid of them, so I use scissors. It looks more realistic if you can keep the curls and the eyelashes.
  4. Flip the picture over and paint it.  I have noticed that spray paint works the best.
  5. Grab a long-forgotten frame or head to the thrift store for an antique frame and dress it up with a shiny, new color.
  6. Add your touch of style for this step. For a traditional look, keep a black silhouette and compliment it with a bright, modern paper. Or you can try a neutral frame and paint the silhouette a lively color. This will cheer up any room and be a conversation starter.
  7. Hang it on the wall, enjoy it, and feel proud of yourself! Start this as a family tradition.
