It’s that time of year again.

‘Tis the season to be hurried! We feel it every year, the pressure to do more with less time and resources—and still have everything be perfect.

We frantically rush through November and December with the dashboard light incessantly warning us the tank is low. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we may already be running on fumes. The to-do list is piled high, but for every item checked off, three more pop up.

I don’t like to play whack-a-mole, do you? Especially when it crowds out what I treasure most about this season. Family. Morning devotions. Sunday worship. Time with friends and small group gatherings.

Be still. You can only stare at the calendar for so long—take your eyes off of it. Put down your phone. Close your eyes and say His name.


Breathe in and let Him show you what matters most. Jesus didn’t hurry. He took time every day to be alone with His Father in prayer, and He accomplished all the work that God gave Him to do.

When I’m interrupted (especially on crazy busy days) I’m tempted to ignore someone else’s need and stay on task with whatever I’m doing.

But when I take time to look up and listen, the interruption becomes an invitation from the Lord Himself to “give and it shall be given” (Luke 6:38).  To see that child, that husband, that friend or neighbor and come alongside and lend a hand. You know what I’ve found?  Being all there for someone else often becomes a refreshing gift of God’s presence to me!

During this season, when you feel pressed between chasing “perfect” and choosing meaningful, I hope you pause.

Quiet the noise

Choose the loved one. Choose the friend. Choose the gospel.  Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus.

“And as your days, so shall your strength be.” Deuteronomy 33:25