I plan on making a ton of these for my daughter Rylie’s birthday! They are so easy and inexpensive to make, but they add a lot to any party or shower! You can attach string and hang them, or put them on skewers and place them in flower arrangements or mason jars filled with sand. The options are endless and you can really get creative with these, without breaking the bank.

What you need:

  • Paper
  • Skewer sticks (optional)
  • String (optional)
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Card stock
  • Ruler


  1. Cut two strips of paper (same width, same height—use your ruler to help.)
  2. Fold evenly, like an accordion. After you have completed both strips, lay them next to each other and glue.
  3. Pull the other side over and glue it so you now have a circle.
  4. Next, you will have to pop it out and push it down. Work with it until it looks like a pinwheel. You will have to place it underneath a paper weight to hold it in place.
  5. Next, secure it. Cut a small circle from card stock and glue it. Now put it back underneath the paper weight and leave it for a while so it will hold in place.*
  6. Once that is done, you can put buttons and jewels on the front to add a little something special! Then you can attach string or skewers to the back depending on what you like.

*I recommend leaving the finished project under a paper weight for a few hours just to ensure that they are secure.