set-four-1495This year, I decided to go with a modern approach to a holiday wreath. Try a painted magnolia-leaf wreath this year. It was an easy process and now I have an eye-catching decoration for my front door!

Needed materials:

  • Your favorite simple holiday wreath
  • 1 can of primer spray paint
  • 1 can of a fun bold spray paint in your choice of color (gold or bronze would be nice, too)
  • Some old newspapers or trash bags


  1. Start with a simple wreath in whatever leaf is your favorite. I chose magnolia because of the big wide leaves.
  2. Line the ground where you will be painting with old newspaper or trash bags.
  3. Spray a coat of primer all over the wreath, front and back. This step helps to ensure that the colored spray paint comes out even.
  4. Lightly spray even coats of your chosen color over the front and back sides of your wreath. I alternated coats every five minutes, giving each side some time to dry.
  5. Hang your wreath and enjoy!