May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17


Dear Virtue Leader,

These podcasts are provided just for you, as an expression of our appreciation
and ongoing support for your dedication in this ministry. The Lord is showing
Himself faithful on our behalf! There are praiseworthy reports of spiritual
and biblical growth amongst your ladies, answered prayers, healing, and
abundant fruit as a result of what the Lord is doing in your groups.

Whether you are leading a small group online or in person, we aim to come
alongside and encourage you in practical and meaningful ways. We will continue
adding new podcasts here for you from a variety of women, so please check in
often. To God be the glory and may He continue to strengthen and establish the work of your hands!


Episode 17 | Melanie Brown
8 Marks of a Mature Leader
As we begin a new season of study, Melanie reviews basic principles of leading a discussion group. These 8 points are general enough for you to apply to whatever curriculum you are choosing to lead through

Episode 16 | Melanie Brown
As we finish another season of study, this is truly a time to reflect and rejoice! In this podcast, Melanie shares some praiseworthy blessings that we’ve experienced as leaders this year. Thank you for your commitment to Jesus, to this Virtue ministry, and to the women in your small groups!

Episode 15 | April Tilden – The Privilege of Serving Within the Community of Believers
In this podcast, April Tilden borrows the acronym WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) to explore some of the privileges we have as leaders serving in this Virtue ministry. Walking together in unity. Worshipping together in spirit and truth. Jesus’ example of leadership and community. Discipleship through encouragement.

Episode 14 | Estefana Martinez – How Our Great Gardener Cultivates Us
As we approach the finish line for another Virtue year, Estefana Martinez considers some ways that the Lord wants us to be encouraged specifically in ministry. Ladies, your ministry is a labor of joy, of love, and of hope. It involves us moving together in the same direction—towards Jesus!

Episode 13 | Melanie Brown – Dining on God’s Word
Welcome to a new season of study! As facilitators, we always want to continue to develop our leadership skills. In this podcast, Melanie shares some best practices and new strategies that will help you lead effectively.

Episode 12 | Melanie Brown – Tips for Leading a Discussion Group
In this podcast, Melanie shares tips for leading a lively discussion of God’s Word in our small groups. The Bible is relevant for today and knowing what it says is necessary for living abundant and fruitful lives. Whichever curriculum you choose, it is simply the tool to bring understanding to the Scriptures we are reading. Our goal as group leaders is to make disciples.

Episode 11 | Christi Robillard – Tips for Leading a Discussion Group
In this podcast, Christie shares three essentials for leading a discussion group
and provides some tips for what to cover in the current series we are going through.

Episode 10 | Christi Robillard – Leading Through Challenges
In this episode, Christi shares some perspectives, strategies, and tips on
how to deal with challenging group members. You have the divine capacity to
love and lead your group because the love of God has been poured out in our
hearts through the Holy Spirit!

Episode 9 | Melanie Brown – How It’s Going?
Hi Leaders! We are a few weeks into leading our small groups. In this short
podcast, Melanie checks in to see how things are going and encourage you!

Episode 8 | Melanie Brown – 8 Tips to Launching a Small Group
In this short podcast, Melanie shares eight things that will help you
prepare to launch your small group!

Episode 7 | Christi Robillard – The Problem of Burnout
In this episode, Christi Robillard identifies four ways we can experience
burnout and strategies to overcome it.

Episode 6 | Trudy Johns – Encouragement on Koinonia
In this episode, Trudy Johns shares encouragement and guidance as you plan
your group’s koinonias.

Episode 5 | Cathe Laurie – We Never Outgrow Being a Disciple
In this episode, recorded on Leader Training day, Cathe shares why she
(and we!) will never outgrow the need for community.

Episode 4 | A Leader’s Perspective, Qualities and Commitment
In this episode, Christi Robillard focuses on a leader’s perspective,
group leader qualities, and the specifics of commitment. Whether this is
your first time in leadership, or you are returning to serve in this
ministry, this is very special word of encouragement for you.

Episode 3 | A Fresh Vision for Summer
Listen in as Cathe and Tiffany share their heart and cast a fresh vision
as we move into this summer season. This is a must-listen! Exciting
opportunities in store as we continue to nurture one another in the way of
the Lord.

Episode 2 | Strategies for Facilitating the Lesson
As group leaders, we really want to make the most of our group time. In
this episode, Melanie shares tips and ideas that will help to develop your
leadership skills.

Episode 1 | Lesson Prep for Group Discussion
In this episode, Melanie Brown shares a few steps to help you prepare your
lesson for leading a group discussion.