keep your battery charged
We’ve all experienced it. You’re deep in conversation and suddenly notice your phone battery is in that thin red margin and sinking fast. Ugh! When this happens, I frantically run for the charging station, praying I can connect in time. Once that battery climbs back into the green zone, I can breathe easy.
There’s nothing worse than having your phone go dead in the middle of a conversation. It always seems to happen on an important call—which is a terrible time to say, “My phone is running out.” Makes it sound like your phone got mad and eloped with your flash drive just to teach you a lesson!
No one likes to feel unprofessional, unprepared, or just plain flaky, right? We don’t want someone to think we’re disinterested or just hung up. But our devices need power and a lost connection is a sure sign we waited too long to plug into the energy source.
It’s not hard to see where I’m headed with this. For me, as a pastor’s wife, mom, grandma, and ministry leader, my spiritual battery can run dangerously low. There are telltale signs. A quick temper, a panic attack, a fit of jealousy. A sleepless night followed by a day full of groans, sighs, and yawns. I am trying on my own to do what I don’t have the strength to do. It isn’t unusual for us as women to feel this way.
What do you rely on to recharge you?
It’s easy to reach for that shot of espresso, or chocolate, or a bit of online retail therapy to get that quick surge of energy we crave. Maybe we look to our families to fill us up, only to find time and again, that none of these sources provide lasting strength. A quick burst? Yes, but then I am left feeling rundown, let down, discouraged, guilty.
Only one source is strong enough to fully recharge my spiritual and emotional battery. That is why, in the middle of a muddle, soon as I recognize my symptoms, I must run—not walk—to Him! No catalog of the latest fashions, or coffee break, or binge-watching Netflix will do.
The One who fills me up is the One who made me. He understands and knows every detail about what concerns me. He promises and He always comes through. “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless” (Isaiah 40:29).
Right now you may feel like you need a nap, and maybe you do! Maybe you feel weak and your knees are knocking, but He says do not fear. You may be at a loss over what to do in a difficult circumstance or relationship. He promises to give wisdom. But here’s the catch. You must plug into HIM.
Make time to plug in!
Make Him your first appointment of the day. Plug into His Word, take time to listen and pray. Don’t wait until your energy is in that thin red margin, sinking fast.
Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength. He may not remove what you’re facing but He will certainly give you what you need. And what you need most of all is the power of His presence and strength filling you up, walking with you every step of the way.
* * *
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and His understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Isaiah 40:28-29
Heidi Hayton | May 17, 2021
Thank you beautiful dearest Cathe
Such a good reminder. God bless you and your beautiful family. I am so thankful for you guys. Beyond words. Lord knows and I thank Him so much. 

Elizabeth Fry | May 18, 2021
MaryAnn | May 20, 2021
Thank you for your encouragement, God is so good! Don't read your blog everyday but everytime i do it helps me. blessings
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Linda Hollnd | May 31, 2021
Thank you I really need Jesus and with your help can pray more.
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Annamarie Quigley | May 17, 2021
This is perfect! Just what I needed to hear. Thank you Lord, thank you Cathe.
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MamaJoyce | May 17, 2021
This is a very timely message and reminder Sister. Thank you for sharing this insightful encouraging reminder. You are a blessing God bless you and your family and the ministry
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Billie Reilly | May 17, 2021
Thank you for your message today. You say it like it is sometimes. We do try to do things our way, even though we know we should stop and let God handle the problem for us. It always works out better for us. Thank you again and God bless you for your blog.
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Cecelia Camarena | May 17, 2021
I’m so grateful I read your message. There are times I feel so tried.I’m only 75 years I shouldn’t feel that tired. I need more of Jesus. Thank you so much. God bless you Cathy pray for me.
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Christine Ramey | May 17, 2021
Cathie I’m not one that leaves comments. This “keep my battery charged hit me. As I was sitting here taking with my niece. I tell her I’m tried and want to take a nap.
I said to her I need to read Gods word,and pray . Just thinking of everything I need to do. So I close my eyes for about five minutes catching myself praying. Asking the lord to just comfort my spirit and give me peace. I open up my email and your devotion “Keep your battery charged “ was there ,and I read the part about a nap. Your devotion confirmed to put God first before my day starts so I can be charged for the day . Thank you Cathie . God bless you.
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Gracie Takach | May 18, 2021
May 6, 2021
Thursday's "Think About It"
I am writing this out of frustration as we have been dealing with unstable internet connection in our home for a while now. Some of it has to do with where our modem is in relation to where our computers are located. My husband keeps telling me it is our signal. It is not strong enough because of the locations. However, I do not understand this as it works much of the time and then it is like we go through a period where it just seems to be throwing a fit or maybe it is tired and just does not want to play right.
I jest of course, but it sure hit home when I thought of my connection to the Lord. I know that it is not God who is unstable in the connection. I also know that He is the greatest provider of all connections there is. His service is foolproof and will never let me down, unlike the many internet providers on the market. With God as my provider, it does not matter where I am located. He knows where I am, always and our connection is never unstable or interrupted. That is of course if I am turned on and tuned in.
Joshua 1:5 - No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
So, what kinds of things block or interfere with our connection with God? If He promises to never leave us or forsake us, then any issues would be ours and not His. Are we the ones who are just not paying attention, or too busy with other things that are more important than staying tuned in to God? Are we not close enough? Do we simply forget that He is always there, (omnipresent) and always paying attention to what we are doing? What in our life could possibly be bigger or stronger or more important than our connection to the one who knows all and sees all and controls all? Maybe our secret sin? Maybe our fleshly desires?
Isaiah 59:2 - But your iniquities (sin) have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
James 4:3 - When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
When we come to God in prayer, we want Him to hear us clearly, right? Whether we are making a request for ourselves or for others or when we are needing to figure something out. We want to know that our connection is strong and not unstable so that nothing is left out. Of course, God, being all-knowing, (omniscient) already knows what we have on our mind, but He does like us to bring these things to him, in fact, He instructs us to do so. If something is hindering our line of communication, like the guilt of sin, fear of rejection or asking with the wrong motive, this can cause a disconnection. Sometimes our fleshly pride will keep us from making our connection with Him.
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Ephesians 6:18 - And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the LORD's people.
Think about it…
When you have one of those days where you are just discombobulated, feeling out of sorts, disconnected, remember that you have the best server of all available to you. A server that is always connected to you. A server that will never be unstable. Reconnect to Jesus. Ask Him to clear your lines of communication with forgiveness of your sins and His unconditional love for you. He will meet all your needs. He will faithfully serve you well.
Philippians 4:19 - And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Mark 10:45 – “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
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