
Perfect for your holiday budget! At a whopping $2.25, this makes a fun and easy gift to make. Pair it with a bracelet or earrings as part of the gift. We chose our paint colors to complement the rooms of the girls we gave them to.

You’ll need:

  • A painters grid (found at a home improvement or paint store)
  • 1 long stick (from Ikea)
  • Spray paint
  • Ribbon
  • Jewelry
  • Wire for the hanger (I used the spiral wire from an old check register)

Visit your local paint store, pick your paint, and grab some painter’s bucket grids. I purchased my sticks for the bracelet part at Ikea. They have several colors and options in the section that sells vases.

Paint your rack, then let it dry. Measure out your wire according to how long you want your holder to hang. Cut the wire and attach it to the corners of the rack. Nothing fancy needed here; just wrap the wire around over and over so that it doesn’t slip through. Be careful to bend the edges so they don’t poke anyone.

Bend up into a curved position the two long prongs on the end of the grid. These are originally meant to hang on the edge of the painter’s bucket. You will need them bent a little higher than they already are to hold the Ikea stick and jewelry.

Break the Ikea stick to your desired length to hold bracelets. Place it on top of the bent prongs. Cut a piece of ribbon and tie it at the top of the jewelry holder.

If you bought some jewelry as part of your gift, now’s a good time to hang it on your holder.

