
It’s been a couple of days since I discovered that my home has been burglarized and many things were taken from my home. I am 80 years old and have lived alone since being widowed almost nine years ago.

I realize that things can be of more value to you than what their actual worth might be. Things that were given by a loved one or things that bring memories of a time or place visited—these are things that hold a special place in my heart. To have these things stolen made me feel that those special places and remembrances were invaded and violated.

This brings me to a place where I ask myself questions concerning my faith. Are my true treasures really laid up in heaven? Am I seeking things above and not things on earth? Things in this world—am I determining their value from a heavenly perspective? Can I forgive the ones responsible for this intrusion?

I pray my heart’s answer is “yes” to each of these questions. The choice is really mine, and I choose to set my mind on things above and not on earthly things, for I have died and my life is hidden with Christ in God.

When Christ, who is my life, appears, then I also will appear with Him in glory. I choose to let go of fear, anxiety, and especially unforgiveness.

Though thieves my worldly goods may take;

Into my home they come,

Yet into my peace they cannot break.

The clothing that my Lord supplies,

Are the things that the world may despise,

Yet the many things that Christ does give

Redemption that covers me with His blood

That I might live.

Nothing I own is more valuable than my relationship with my Lord, and that cannot be taken from me!