“I warned you once; I warned you twice…”

We’ve all heard these words as kids. And parents, now we use them on our kids. Today, reading in 1 Kings 11:9, I see that God Himself used them.

King Solomon loved many foreign women, despite the fact that the Lord had appeared to him twice and warned him about this. And yet we read, “Solomon held fast to his wives in love” (1 Kings 11:2). Tragically, this would lead to idol worship in Israel and eventually his kingdom being torn in pieces.

Here are a few things to ponder:

Who and what we love will determine our actions.

The sad outcome for Solomon didn’t happen overnight. It was a gradual turning of his heart. One thing would lead to another. One wife, then another, then another, and then ultimately his heart was turned to their foreign gods.

The worship of these gods was as brutal as it was sensual. And many people in Israel were led into idolatry along with him. This was the great evil in the eyes of the Lord.

The life of Solomon serves as a reminder that good beginnings don’t guarantee good endings. Remember that what begins in our hearts will work its way into our actions and will affect the lives of those around us.

The Lord is faithful to warn His children about sin.

Is there anything that you are attracted to or tolerating in your life that is sinful? Any thought, word, or deed you engage in that you are tolerating? Don’t for one moment think that those things will not have consequences that are dire. If the Lord has spoken to you about them, don’t disregard the warning signs. It is possible to harden your conscience by insisting on your way.

Sometimes we think because God is “slow” about judging sin in our lives, that it isn’t going to catch up to us. But Scripture warns us clearly, “Beware your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). One thing will lead to another, just as it did for Solomon.

How can we learn from Solomon’s mistake?

  1. Repent. Acknowledge sin as sin and ask God to forgive you. If we confess our sin He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us.
  2. Pray for God’s strength and grace to overcome temptation. He promises grace to help in time of need.
  3. Take safe measures to avoid people, places, and things that make it easier for you to fall again into sin.
  4. Put people and places into your life that will help you resist the temptation you are facing.

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (Proverbs 4:23 nlt).