I want to be bedazzled. . . filled with the amazement at something more
than what amuses the majority today…more than celebrity worship, the
most recent technological wizardry, or the latest designer handbag.

I want to gaze at what captivated the wisemen to follow a star, what
set the angels to proclaim “Glory to God in the highest,”  what made
the shepherds leave their flocks to search for a baby. I want more
than a decorated tree, presents wrapped in ribbons of gold, or a
fabulous holiday meal.

I want, more than anything, to know the One whose name is Wonderful.

We are numbed by relentless advertising to believe that, if we had more,
achieved more, experienced more, we would be satisfied. But never in
the history of the world have we had more leisure, more food, more
possessions…and yet been so empty. Until we know the One whose name is

The wonder that God invaded history,
The wonder that God became a baby in a young girl’s womb,
The wonder that God lived, and loved, and died for our sins,
The Wonder that waits outside the door of our lives to invite him inside.