Have fun with it! Mix and match fabrics. Add trim or a monogram!

  1. Wash, dry, and iron fabric.
  2. Cut 2 squares of fabric in the size of your choice. I chose a petite 13″ square napkin, but you can go up to 20″ square, if you wish.
  3. Pin right sides together and sew around all edges with about a 1/4″ seam allowance. Leave a 2″ opening at the center. Be sure to back stitch at the beginning and end of your seam.
  4. Turn fabric right side out through opening. Press.
  5. Top stitch all the way around, closing the opening as you do.

Pocket-Fold Directions

  1. Fold bottom 3/4 way to top. Press in place.
  2. Fold bottom again in half. Press in place.
  3. Flip over and fold each side into center. Tuck one end into the other. Press into place.
  4. Place silverware and name card in each pocket!