A poem I love by Ruth Bell Graham

I think it harder

Lord, to cast the cares of those I love

on You,

than to cast mine.

We, growing older,

learn at last

that You

are merciful

and kind.

Not one time

have you failed me,


why fear that you’ll

fail mine?

Rylie started kindergarten today! I can hardly believe she is old enough to be in school, but it is true! This is a milestone not only for Rylie, but for Jonathan and Brittni…and for me!

I looked at her in her new uniform and saw this beautiful child with big eyes so full of wonder and vulnerability and I was pressed with a new dependence upon the Lord. And as I first trusted Him for myself, then my marriage and my children, now I must trust Him for my grandchildren.

I’m so thankful that the One whose eye is on the sparrow, the great Shepherd of the sheep, will gently lead our little lambs…and the old ewes too!