
The Book of Proverbs contains the pattern for teaching practical truth and wisdom from one generation to another. It’s a gold mine containing the great themes of scripture but it also brings us down to intensely practical levels.

It gives us vivid descriptions of what a righteous life looks like and what it doesn’t look like! Just think of the picture in Proverbs telling us it is better to dwell on the rooftop than in a house with a nagging woman.

The Book of Proverbs was written more than 3,000 years ago by Solomon, the third king of Israel. This book is in the part of the Bible that is called the books of wisdom.

During the time that this was written, Israel was at the time of her greatest glory. Some compare it to the time of the Renaissance.

The king’s ships were trading down the coast of Africa and India, returning with gold, silver, ivory, and exotic animals. The kingdom was enjoying peace and prosperity and the arts, music, and sciences were flourishing.

Significantly, Solomon’s wisdom drew the world to his door. God had given Solomon a blank check, telling him to ask whatever he wanted. The king did not ask for wealth or fame, but for wisdom and understanding. God granted his desire and made him not only wise, but wealthy.

The Queen of Sheba was just one of the visitors who came because of his reputation. He discussed world issues with people from many nations, and his philosophies were tested and challenged in the open.

In Proverbs 31, we see the passage was written by King Lemuel (tradition taught that it was Solomon). These were words that his mother taught him.

Just think! Inspired Scripture that came through a woman, a wife, and a mother! You can hear the tenderness and the seriousness of her words as she speaks to her him. “What, my son? And what, son of my womb, and what, son of my vows?”

It was the song, prophecy, utterance, oracle, burden of a mother’s heart, and desire for her son. It was the same way we would teach our children the ABCs today. In fact, Proverbs 31 is a poem that is written as an alphabetic acrostic. There are 22 verses that each begin with the 22 letters of the alphabet.

Can I ask those of you who have children, what are you teaching them? Do you make the time to teach them the timeless truths found in Scripture? Have you thought about how to make these truths memorable and enjoyable? This passage was made easier to learn by arranging verses alphabetically so they would complement the basic reading, writing and ‘rithmetic that her son was learning.

Who can forget the early rhymes we learned in nursery school? But how much greater value can those rhymes and song become when combined with the message of God’s word. I encourage you to put some creative thought to how you might teach truth in an attractive way to your children so that in years to come you will see the seeds of God’s word bear fruit in their lives.

As we look at this passage placed significantly in the final verses of the last chapter in the Book of Proverbs, we discover God’s design for becoming a woman of virtue and see practical ways this is accomplished. Most of all, we are pointed back to the root of it all and find that it is her relationship to a loving God, her fear of the Lord that makes her virtuous.

The word “virtuous” is used more than 200 times in the Old Testament, but it is only used three times in reference to women. All the other times, it is used to describe an army. It is a word that essentially means force or strength, but not pushy or aggressive. It is a spiritual strength that is guided and controlled by wisdom.

Proverbs 31:10 tells us the virtuous woman’s worth is far above rubies. This worth, however, wasn’t connected to her outward beauty. Verse 30 tells us “Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain, fleeting (because it is not lasting), but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!” (AMPLIFIED)

This mother is saying to her son, “Don’t let charm or elegance impress you.” Now, we girls certainly know how to put on the charm. No one has to teach us this. It is inherent in little girls. My little granddaughter Stella, at the age of two, knows just how to charm her Papa and it works every time.

Solomon’s mother was giving him a wise warning about charm and elegance. Someone wrote a book titled Beauty Fades, but Dumb Is Forever!

Can you take a moment and reflect on how much time you spend getting dressed and applying your make-up before going out the door in the morning, compared to how much time you have spent getting “cleaned up and dressed” by learning and applying the wisdom found only in God’s Word?

Girls, there are many things are quickly going to pass, but what you are on the inside is what makes a lasting impression and will last forever.

Is becoming a virtuous woman your priority? If so, let us reverently and worshipfully fear the Lord as the first order of the day!