


How easy is this? Grab a few supplies and create a simple piece of canvas art that captures just what you want to say. I borrowed phrases from a favorite old hymn for mine, but choose whatever you like! Simply glue letters onto canvas, spray paint, and enjoy your personalized piece of art!




Canvas (size of your choice)

Letters (wood or chipboard; found at any craft store)

Wood shapes of your choice (optional)


Small paintbrush

Spray paint (color of your choice)




1. Arrange the letters on your canvas. You may want to form a shape with your words, or just line them up (left, right, centered). Play around with it until you like the way it looks.

2. Apply a small dab of glue to the back of each letter with a paintbrush and press into place. Do the same with any decorative shape you want to use.

3. Lay your canvas on a tarp or protective surface large enough that you can spray the front and side edges easily without moving it. Spray a light coat of paint and let it dry for 5–10 minutes. Repeat the last step several times, until you’re happy with the finished look.

Leave your finished piece unframed, or add a frame if you like. That’s it! A really simple and inexpensive way to DIY decorate!
