
Small miniature vases of all shapes, colors, and sizes can decorate a dining table without spending a fortune on flowers. A big no-no, however, is to use extremely fragrant flowers on your dining table. Here’s a sweet and simple arrangement that not only is lovely to look at, but these mildly fragrant herbs will complement and not compete with the aroma of the food you’re serving.

Collect some tiny glass vases that are of different shapes. I recommend grouping them in odd numbers, rather than pairs. Roses were our flower of choice here, but you could easily use daisies or small mums. Just keep scale in mind as you choose your flowers. You will need one rose for each vase. Cut the stems at an angle short enough so that just the base of each bud is resting on the lip of the vase. Using 3″ to 4″ cuttings of herbs from the garden or grocery store, tuck sprigs of rosemary, thyme, mint, and lavender in the vase.

Finish each vase with a bit of delicate greenery. Tendrils of ivy, bits of fern, or any other small leaf cuttings from your garden will do. Scatter them between the glass candlesticks and voila! The flowers and colors you choose make this a simple and inexpensive centerpiece that adapts well to any table and any meal you may be serving.

Materials and Tools:
• Three miniature assorted glass vases (2½” to 3″ tall)
• Three assorted glass candlesticks (8″ to 9″ tall)
• Five roses or your flower of choice
• Five sprigs of rosemary, mint, and lavender or thyme
• Other assorted delicate greenery—ivy or fern
• Kitchen shears or knife to cut the flowers and herbs
