
In all of Scripture, can you guess who was the first and only woman ever addressed by name directly by Deity Himself?

Well, believe it or not, it wasn’t Sarah, Rachel, Hannah, or even the Virgin Mary.

It was Hagar, an outsider, a slave. In the earliest chapters of Genesis, God displays His love and compassion for the odd one out. God has his chosen people, but this doesn’t keep Him from showing mercy to those who will come to Him in faith.

I love the heartbreaking and humble plea of the Canaanite woman (another outsider) in Matthew 15:27, “Even the little puppies eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s tables.”

It comes as no surprise that Jesus quickly acknowledges her remarkable faith and grants her request when she asks for mercy. Hallelujah, that is the scope of our Savior’s love!