For the hipster on a budget, here’s a simple creation. Hands free, ladies!  No wonder they’re popping up everywhere. Cross-body bags make it easy to come and go with easy access and all your belongings resting safely on your hip!

(Beginner sewing level required.)


  • Fabric (2 different styles), cut into four 11″ squares (makes the body of the purse)
  • 2 strips of fabric, 3 1/2 feet long (makes the strap)

How to make:

  1. Start with your strap first. With right sides together, pin straps together. Sew the edges together. Stitch along all edges leaving only the bottom open. Turn your strap inside out and press.
  2. On to the purse body…Take your 4 squares of fabric. Decide which fabric you’d like to be the lining and which will be the outside of your purse.
  3. Pin your two lining squares with right sides together. Stitch edges, including the bottom, leaving only the top edge open.
  4. Grab your two outside squares, pin together with right sides together. Sew sides and bottom together leaving only the top open. Turn the purse body rightside out.
  5. With the seam allowance facing away from you, place lining into purse. The right side of lining material should show as you look down into your purse, with raw seam edges hidden. At the top of the purse, fold a 1″ seam inward on both the lining and outer body. They should meet together evenly and create a clean seam. Press and pin.
  6. Now grab your strap and tuck the ends into opposite sides of the purse. Pin down. Press your seam. Sew your seam together, also sewing in your strap as you go. Remove pins.
  7. You’re ready to go. If you like, you can add a pocket, ruffle, or trim to your purse. Add an initial to the outside to personalize the bag!