I got sick of using boring yellow pencils . . . so I decided to take leftover scraps of pretty paper I have kept (scrap paper, wrapping paper, artsy papers etc) and cover some boring pencils to brighten them up.

These are great to use around the house and also make pretty gifts, especially with a homemade notepad or pencil box. With school already in session, this can be an excellent gift for teachers and even fun to do with your kids to use for homework.

Needed Materials:

  • Unsharpened standard-size pencils
  • Paper scraps
  • Mod Podge (I chose the matte finish)
  • Small paintbrush


  1. Cut a strip of paper that is 1" wide and the length of your unsharpened pencil minus the eraser top, if it has one.
  2. Place your paper pattern-side down, and brush Mod Podge on the strip of paper. Then line up the pencil with unsharpened edge and slowly roll the pencil along the paper. Use a flat surface to make sure the paper adheres well. Brush a little Mod Podge where the edge of the paper meets.
  3. Let the pencils dry for an hour before sharpening them.

Once you get the hang of it, try a couple of coordinating papers. They look so nice when displayed together!IMG_3147