“The fruit of the Spirit is…gentleness”

“Clothe yourselves with…the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.”

No sooner had I finished reading these verses the other morning when, standing in my closet, out came (I’ll spare you the details) not the quiet and gentle spirit for which I’d hoped. I felt the loving stab of conviction. In my heart I whispered, “Lord, I’m sorry…again.”

We are told in 1 Timothy 6:11 that we must pursue gentleness. The word pursue is from a Greek word that could be translated “to run swiftly after; to press on and not be deterred in order to catch something.” How easily we give up when we don’t change overnight.

The transformation of a Christian’s life is not “presto chango,” as if suddenly by magic. It is repentance and faith—daily taking up Jesus’ yoke and learning from the One who was gentle and lowly. So don’t give up and be discouraged! Spiritual change is a slow process that we must pursue day by day, sometimes even moment by moment!