Charm Is Deceitful and Beauty Is Vain
“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” —Proverbs 31:30 NASB
I feel like I’m in a battle every day—a battle between focusing solely on being the woman God wants me to be and trying to be a “Christian” version of what the world tells me I should be. Whether it’s a desire to have the latest and greatest fashions, shoes, or hairstyles, or to be the “perfect weight,” I have to battle every single day.
A typical day goes something like this (maybe you can relate): I’ll be doing great—confident in who God made me, feeling beautiful in Jesus’ eyes, and then I go to the grocery store and see the magazine ads staring me in the face at the checkout line. By the time I get in line to the time I check out, I’ve already decided that I really need to change my hair, overhaul my wardrobe, and lose a few pounds. Wow! Did that really just happen from the time I set my frozen chicken on the conveyor belt to the time I walked out? Yes, yes it did. And why? Because the world, my flesh, and the devil are never going to stop fighting me in my desire to be a Proverbs 31 woman.
I believe this is a battle that all of us women and young girls are facing right now. Our world tells us that in order for our husbands, friends, family members, coworkers, or anyone to love us, we need to be in fashion, in shape, and flawlessly perfect. But what does God say? One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 31:30. It literally says that beauty is “vain.” What does that mean?
The definition of vain is: producing no result; useless
The world’s definition of beauty produces no result; it’s useless. That really puts things into perspective.
All that the world tells me is beautiful is not going to produce any good result in my life; it’s all useless. I’m realizing, slowly but surely, that the world is never going to tell me I’m beautiful just the way I am. They’re going to tell me constantly that I need to change something, and it will end up leading to a life of discontent, misery, and being self-centered. That’s not what I want! Do you? If I die tomorrow, I don’t want people to remember me for my outward appearance. I want them to remember my example—my example for Christ, my example as a godly wife and mother.
I believe that as Proverbs 31 women, we can be beautiful on the outside and, most importantly, on the inside. I know many beautiful Proverbs 31 women that have beautiful hair and faces and dress in lovely clothes. It doesn’t mean dressing in potato sacks, wearing no makeup, and eating unhealthy food. Verse 22 of Proverbs 31 says that “her clothing is fine linen and purple.” She was dressed beautifully and she truly was a beautiful woman as our Lord would define it.
My husband always tells me that I’m the most “beautiful” to him when I’m acting like, talking like, and mirroring my precious Jesus in all my actions. The second I start focusing more on how I look, how much I weigh, and whether or not I fit the world’s mold, my attitude begins to change. I get snippy. I get discontent. I get miserable. And most importantly, I take my eyes off of Jesus.
I’m sharing all this because I’m battling this alongside so many of you. I hope one day, in God’s strength and grace, that we can truly be free from this battle as women!
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2 NKJV).
Dee Ann | October 19, 2012
GREAT article Mary! SO many women need to hear this and to stop trying to be the "perfect" person. I love what your husband says, he is a godly wise man. We need to stop this battle with our flesh and with the enemy and let Christ do His work and rest in Him.
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Justine | October 19, 2012
Very well written and honest Mary! Thank you for sharing! And to this part you wrote: "I feel like I’m in a battle every day—a battle between focusing solely on being the woman God wants me to be and trying to be a “Christian” version of what the world tells me I should be," I just wanna say, 'Amen!' thats the truth.
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Chikondi | October 19, 2012
This is very true. i also fight this battle.
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Dee | October 20, 2012
Thank You for sharing with what God has put on your Heart, I struggle as well when I am at retail store looking at magazines while in line, or when my husband no longer looks at me like he use to. But this is Battle in my Mind I need to overcome, and daily I have defeat the lie with Gods Word. The Battle belongs to the Lord, and I must remind myself also of who I am in Christ. Preaching the Word of God back to myself has help enormously and I am bless to be His daughter. Blessings
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Caroline | October 20, 2012
Better to be a "virtuous" woman than a "vainful" one! This was a very reassuring & comforting read! Thank you, Mary for sharing what so many women are battling today. Amen!
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Carla | October 21, 2012
So true. It is so hard to be a women in this world. And you are right, the media makes me feel so inferior. Not just the magazines but the underwear commercials that come on when you are relaxing on the couch with your bowl of ice cream trying to enjoy a movie. But we are Gods creation and He loves us just the way we are. It is our heart He is interested in. And pleasing Him should be our first priority. That alone takes the pressure off to try to be "world" perfect. We should focus on pleasing Him, not the world.
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Griselda | October 25, 2012
Amen!! Thank you for sharing this...
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J. Allison | November 6, 2012
Thank you Mary for this excellent article on the difficult balance of managing our exterior appearance and developing our inner beauty. Ironically, focusing on our outer appearance makes our thoughts turn inward in such a manner that is unattractive to Christ and to others. Can I mention that one of the groups I have the hardest time with are some of my Christian sisters who are fighting age through plastic surgery? I long to have an example of women who are comfortable growing in years and not competing with their teenage daughters.
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Inger | November 7, 2012
My struggle is different. Mine is more spiritual in that I am constantly before the Lord asking His will of me but when I follow through and have peace the next day, week or month I feel the opposite. The Lord is always telling to seek Him just for THAT day. It changes everyday what area of my life the Lord is working on. Keeps me humble and broken before Him for certain. But sometimes it's like, ok seriously Lord can we just stay on the same road for a while?
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Darlene | November 7, 2012
I totally agree with your article. The world really advertises the falseness of outward beauty as being satisfying. Being a 67 year old woman who always tried to look good, not overly fashion conscious, I appreciated looking put together. Since I have aged and now show signs of drooping eyelids, hair thinning, wrinkles, I feel like I "should do something to appear younger." Our culture regard youth as an idol. Ageing doesn't feel acceptable. What's up with that?
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Christine | April 15, 2013
Mary Powell thank you for sharing this word. Personally I'm encouraged to understand that we ought to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. The outer beauty is in vain if we will not be remembered for what we did when we die. We should seek to be beautiful sisters, wives, and mothers instead of just being beautiful women outwardly! God bless you mum!
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Harvey | September 5, 2013
The fact that you are in battle and fighting for biblical principles is admirable. I wish to have a woman who fights for truth someday. You are awesome and your going to reap soooo much good!
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Lisa | January 2, 2015
Glad to know I'm not alone! I strive to be that Proverbs 31 woman. Putting off old habits and ideologies is not easy...but it's doable. I'm trading charm for character! Outer beauty is not a curse but it's fleeting. So I'm focusing on the inner beauty that never fades.
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Anonymous | October 31, 2015
This world promotes heavily physical or superficial beauty, but not inner beauty. Dark vs Light. God wants us to take care of ourselves physically and inner. He wants women to be modest and not to fall trap into world standards that promote opposite. Never be world standards and wicked standards woman, but be a woman that follows God.
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Natisha | January 16, 2016
Well said Mary, thank you for this.
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Kittim | March 17, 2016
That was a great article Mary Powell. It's surely very true what you've talked about.
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Linda | March 23, 2016
Found your post on a bunnytrail...but what a good one! I am part of a small band of women with whom I (we) pray for our husbands. With the last two verses of Proverbs, we have just completed praying through all of Proverbs for our husbands. Of course, Proverbs 31 is a chapter we have been praying for ourselves. And you are right! How the world can tear us down. I am a 68 yr old grandmother and would say that even as we age, the battle doesn't go away. "Young looking older women" pop into my view through ads on tv, magazines and the computer. In the world's eyes, I'm supposed to still look like I'm 40 (maybe 45 or 50) when I'm close to 70.
The only way I can feel any worth as an older woman in 2016 is to focus on THE TRUTH of verses such as these: "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Perhaps not by contemporary society (who seems to want to cheer on an irreverent, boisterous older woman) but by the One Who counts!
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Nay | November 3, 2016
Very encouraging and true. This is an everyday battle for women it's nice to hear someone talk about as plainly as you do I'm not the only.
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Kela | May 23, 2017
Although this article is from last year, today was my first time reading it. Very beautifully written, and the way I was feeling at the moment before I read this article, I was beginning to doubt my strength. This helped me to mentally reset my thought process back towards the woman I'm trying to be for God and not our today's society. Thanks for sharing.
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Andrea | May 13, 2018
Wow! I can't explain how I felt after reading this article, the words are inside me but just won't come out! I am shocked,exited, happy but most importantly thankful to God because He puts such little but at the same time big talks. More like spiritual awakenings, on how I should keep my eyes on Him and become a Proverbs 31 women. All Praise & Glory to our Almighty God!
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