
“He has brought me to his banquet house, and his banner over me was love.” Song of Solomon 2:4

These simple DIY banners can add a special touch to any room and are fun to make. Plus, you can personalize them to fit any occasion! So be creative and the possibilities are endless.

What you need to make your banner:

  • 1 yard canvas
  • Scissors
  • Wood dowel
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Stencils (regular or custom)
  • Twine
  • Pen


The how to:

  1. Take your canvas and cut out the desired style and size you want your banner to be. The banner pictured is 11×17.
  2. Next fold back about an inch and glue. This will be the hoop the wood dowel will go through.
  3. Once dry, place the wood dowel in and cut the excess with a sharp knife. I made mine with an inch to spare on each side.
  4. You are now ready to paint the design on the canvas banner. You can even add extra creative elements to your banner. I customized mine by adding some hand-stitching elements!
  5. When you are ready to hang the banner, cut your twine. Wrap and tie each end. Hang. Boom.