“He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor.” Isaiah 59:16 NKJV

“The Spirit himself makes intercession for us…” Romans 8:26 NKJV

“I will pour out…the Spirit of grace and supplication…” Zechariah 12:10 NKJV

In the early ’70s, my family moved to California from Kuala Lumpur. My oldest sister was in her first year of college. I was an idealistic 14-year-old, enamored by the romantic notions of the hippy movement.

One night, I tagged along with my two sisters to what we thought was a concert in the student lounge. Before the music began, we sat on the lawn of the campus, getting high. Three people walked over to our little huddle and began to talk to us about God. Something strange and unfamiliar stirred in my heart for the first time.

We wandered into the lounge, listened to some rock band play, and heard a testimony followed by a simple gospel message. I alone stood up to pray, heart pounding, so self-conscious among the seated college crowd.

That was the night I gave my life to Christ. Some 40 years later, I’m writing this in gratitude to that someone who prayed.

Someone had a burden for students.

Someone booked the lounge that night.

Someone invited a preacher and musicians to whom I could relate.

Someone put up posters and invited kids like me to come.

Someone cared about four girls sitting on the college lawn getting high.

Someone spoke simply and clearly enough for a 14-year-old to get it!

Someone sat with me after the concert to follow up after I prayed the sinner’s prayer.

I was given a small gospel of John that someone else had paid for.

And three days later, someone wrote a letter and made a phone call, inviting me to go to church that week.

My life was changed…forever.

Every facet of that evening was an important link in the chain of events that transformed my life and, later on, the lives of my sisters, my brother, and our family.

This is the first time in 40 years that I have wondered, who was it that prayed for me? Someone. Now I feel the Holy Spirit asking me, whom are you praying for? Is it a loved one, a friend, a neighbor?

Just think what God would do if more of us prayed, and invited, and brought someone to hear to gospel.