What makes something beautiful?

Whether it is music, painting, gardening, cooking, or fashion, there is a quality that captivates us, but which is sometimes hard to define. We want to stop and look, listen, touch. Beauty draws us in. We want to linger—take it in.

As believers, we want this quality about our lives. In an intriguing passage in Titus 2:10 we are told we must live our lives in such a way that we may “adorn” the gospel of Christ. But how can we make something already so beautiful…more beautiful? We can’t. I’m sure the gospel doesn’t need embellishing, nor can we in any way add to its perfection.

So what could this possibly mean? The thought behind our adorning the gospel is that our conduct (manner of living) puts it on attractive display. Pause for a moment and consider that we have the responsibility and privilege to influence how people think of Christianity. Those around us who do not believe are observing how we live, the words we speak, the way we dress, the things we love. We are the representatives of what a Christian life should look like. Whether it is changing a diaper, studying for a test, or forgiving a wrong done, we can make the teachings about our God and Savior attractive.

It is a sobering thought that we have the power to commend—or discredit—what we profess. Only Christ lived a perfectly beautiful life. But as we spend time in His presence, learning from Him and being transformed by His grace, we can hope to display this kind of beautiful life and draw others to Christ.